
Union Worker Slams Biden, Yearns for Trump Return Amid Legal Woes

A worker in a union who supports former President Donald Trump had some strong words for President Joe Biden. The worker told a reporter that he believes it’s time for Trump to be back in the White House and bluntly told Biden, “Fuck you.” It seems there are still many Trump supporters in New York, according to the worker.

Former President Trump is facing legal troubles in New York over accusations of falsifying business records to hide a payment made to Stormy Daniels. Additionally, he is also facing charges related to mishandling classified documents and allegedly trying to overturn the 2020 election. The Supreme Court is currently considering Trump’s argument that he should have absolute immunity for actions taken while in office, which could impact the charges against him.

In terms of popularity, Joe Biden is currently leading Trump in New York and nationally, but Trump has a lead in key battleground states. A poll showed that swing state voters trust Trump more than Biden on handling the economy. Another survey found that voters see Trump as better suited to address issues like the economy, immigration, and fitness for office.

The article indicates a divide in opinions between supporters of Trump and Biden, highlighting the political polarization in the country. It also sheds light on the ongoing legal and political challenges faced by former President Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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