
Unthinkable: Liberal Maher Makes U-turn, Slams US Schools A La Trump!

In a recent episode of HBO's "Real Time," Bill Maher expressed agreement with Donald Trump's assertion that current American students are being taught to harbor resentment toward their country. This discussion occurred amid nationwide pro-Hamas demonstrations during Israel's conflict with the Islamist group. Despite Maher's usual opposition to Trump, he endorsed the former president's vision for education reform, suggesting that schools should promote love for the country rather than fostering animosity.

Maher's support for Trump's perspective followed his observations of progressive demonstrators backing Hamas and sarcastically commenting on their desire to give America its "comeuppance." Maher pointed to these demonstrations as evidence of indoctrination influencing student perspectives. He also referenced a speech by Senator Chuck Schumer addressing antisemitism as a significant concern within the Democratic Party.

To delve into the issue of antisemitism within the party, Maher sought input from Democratic strategist James Carville, the highest-ranking Jewish politician in the country. Carville, however, perpetuated the debunked claim that Trump referred to participants in the 2017 Charlottesville clash as "fine people." Conservative commentator Dave Rubin corrected Carville, who then criticized the lack of education among young liberals supporting Hamas over Israel, labeling them as "stupid."

Maher acknowledged a generational divide within the Democratic Party and criticized White House and congressional staffers openly protesting against President Biden's handling of the Israel conflict. He questioned the actions of these staffers, emphasizing the traditionally expected loyalty to the president. Maher underscored the significant number of Biden's and congressional Democrat staff openly opposing their administration for not supporting Hamas sufficiently. The episode highlighted divisions within the Democratic Party and the influence of progressive ideologies on young liberals.

Written by Staff Reports

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