
US Confirms Russia Using North Korean Missiles in Ukraine War

A recent report from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has confirmed that Russia has been using North Korean ballistic missiles in its war against Ukraine. The report, released on Thursday, revealed how experts were able to compare missile debris found in Kharkiv on Jan. 2, 2024, to publicly available images of known North Korean missiles, and determined that they are the same.

The confirmation comes more than a year and a half after the White House first publicly stated that Russia and North Korea were negotiating a deal that would provide Russia with millions of rounds of North Korean artillery shells and rockets, which predated the transfer of ballistic missiles.

The report detailed several aspects of the ballistic missiles that matched known North Korean missiles, including specific features of the aft motor section, tail section mounting holes, cable tray connectors, handling ring connectors, and the number of bolts used to mount the igniter. These findings provide clear evidence of Russia’s use of North Korean ballistic missiles in their war efforts.

Furthermore, it was revealed that North Korea began providing Russia with ammunition in late August and into early September 2023, and then proceeded to supply ballistic missiles in December 2023. U.S. National Security Council coordinator John Kirby stated that Russia had fired multiple ballistic missiles at Ukrainian targets, raising significant concern over the escalation of the DPRK’s support for Russia.

In exchange for the artillery and ballistic missiles, Russia has provided Pyongyang with diplomatic support at the United Nations and has given the North Koreans an opportunity to gain insight into how their weapons perform in combat. This alliance between Russia and North Korea has raised concerns about the potential impact on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The U.S. Treasury Department has continued to impose sanctions on Russia, Iran, and North Korea’s procurement networks as the war in Ukraine persists. This indicates the United States’ commitment to disrupting the deepening military cooperation between Russia and North Korea, as well as holding accountable those who facilitate weapons transfers.

Additionally, there have been allegations of China collaborating with Russia on military equipment for use in Ukraine. While Western leaders have tried to dissuade Beijing from aiding Russia militarily, the U.S. has rebuked China for providing support to Russia’s defense industrial base, despite claims that actual weapons have not been provided. These developments highlight the complex web of alliances and support that have emerged in the context of the conflict in Ukraine.

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