
Utah Leftists Rip Bibles Out of Schools, Force Explicit Sex Ed In!

The liberal agenda strikes again as a Utah school district has decided to remove the Holy Bible from elementary and middle school libraries because of its “vulgar” pornographic and violent content. According to a district spokesperson, the decision was made after a far-left Utah parent demanded the Bible’s removal, claiming it is one of the most “sex-ridden” books around.

This parent, who clearly has never read the Bible, has accused the Holy Scriptures of containing incest, bestiality, prostitution, genital mutilation, and even infanticide. But isn’t it ironic that while liberals are cheering the removal of the Bible, they are pushing for books with graphic depictions of sex and even pedophilia to be available in school libraries? Governor Ron DeSantis has rightly pushed to remove such volumes as “Let’s Talk About It,” which depicts images of how children can masturbate, and “Gender Queer,” which includes imagery of homosexual activity in the form of cartoons.

It should come as no surprise that liberals are attempting to erase the values and morals that the Bible teaches from our schools. They want to raise a generation of mindless drones who do not think for themselves but simply follow the liberal agenda blindly. But we must not let them succeed – we must stand up for our values and fight back against this blatant attempt to censor and erase our history and culture.

Written by Staff Reports

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