
VA Saves WWII Kiss Photo from Woke Erasure Plot

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) had their priorities all mixed up when they decided to yank a classic World War II photo from their facilities recently. This iconic picture, showing a U.S. Navy sailor smooching a woman in Times Square to celebrate the end of WWII, was targeted for removal by a VA bigwig named RimaAnn Nelson over some flimsy excuse about creating a “more trauma-informed environment.” How absurd!

Thankfully, VA Secretary Denis McDonough swooped in like a superhero to set the record straight and ensure that this historic photo will remain on display in VA facilities where it rightfully belongs. McDonough made it crystal clear that the image is not getting the boot, contrary to what Nelson tried to push through in her memo. Kudos to McDonough for standing up against this ridiculous attempt to erase an important piece of American history!

Nelson’s feeble argument about the photo potentially violating VA policies on sexual harassment and assault is just plain ludicrous. The iconic photo symbolizes the end of a brutal war and the joy felt by Americans at that time. It’s a reminder of our freedom and victory, not some excuse for inappropriate behavior. Nelson should spend more time focusing on supporting our veterans and less time nitpicking at harmless symbols of victory and joy.

It’s no surprise that VA employees reportedly felt uncomfortable at the sight of this iconic photo. In today’s overly sensitive and politically correct culture, it seems like anything can trigger a person. But instead of caving to the whims of the perpetually offended, we should be celebrating our history and the sacrifices made by our brave servicemen and women.

In conclusion, it’s high time that we stop bowing down to the demands of the woke mob and start taking pride in our history and traditions. Removing a powerful and iconic image like the V-J Day in Times Square photo from VA facilities is an insult to our veterans and all who fought for our freedom. Let’s honor their legacy, not erase it.

Written by Staff Reports

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