
Van Jones Questions Biden’s 2024 Viability as Democrats Waver

The Democrat pundit circus is really starting to look more like a haunted house these days, with Van Jones leading the pack in the second thoughts department about Joe Biden’s second term. In the aftermath of the June 27 debate, Jones — an ex-Obama staffer and long-time CNN mouthpiece — appeared as if he’d encountered the grim reaper himself. In a way, he had; he saw old Joe up there on stage in Atlanta, representing the ghastly demise of the 2024 Democratic ticket.

Jones, perhaps channeling the disbelief of a man seeing his hero’s statue crumble, lamented that Biden’s performance didn’t exactly reinforce confidence in his leadership capabilities. Whether it’s Biden’s age, his lackluster performance, or just the plain old reality of him being, well, Joe Biden, Jones hinted it might be time to set sail in a different direction for the 2024 Democratic campaign — if Biden would step aside gracefully, of course.

As if Biden’s debate flop wasn’t bad enough, things took another nosedive with the news of his COVID diagnosis. Joe was visiting Las Vegas when the dastardly virus struck him down. He’s vaccinated, boosted, and experiencing mild symptoms, but now he’s off to Delaware to hole up. The virus might be mild, but the timing couldn’t be worse as his own party gets ready to send him off to the political retirement home.

Now, let’s be clear — COVID is serious, especially for the elderly (cue the solemn head-nodding). Yet, Van Jones wasn’t exactly composing a hymn of praise for Biden. Instead, he drew a stark contrast that must have Democrats breaking into nervous sweats. Trump, despite a bullet wound, presses on with his campaign. Meanwhile, Biden, laid low by a mere virus, is sidelined, painting an unflattering comparison of strength and resilience.

Jones is just the tip of the iceberg. With Adam Schiff jumping ship and urging Biden to step aside, it’s like rats leaving a sinking ship. Schiff, eyeing a Senate seat and cozying up with establishment Dems, spells more trouble for Biden, revealing schisms wider than the Grand Canyon within the Democratic Party. One has to ask if the Democrats are in any shape to mount a serious 2024 campaign.

And Biden’s PR nightmare doesn’t end there. Slammed for his violent rhetoric about putting Trump in a “bulls-eye,” Biden’s hypocrisy knows no bounds. Accusing Trump of inciting violence while doubling down on aggressive metaphors himself, Biden handed his critics more ammunition. As always, when Democrats stumble, their own words often provide the clearest testimony against them.

So, while Trump marches on undeterred, Biden’s campaign remains in a state of disarray. Van Jones isn’t trying to be melodramatic; he’s laying out the harsh, unfiltered truth. With Trump striding into rallies and debates, and Biden holed up like it’s 2020 all over again, guess who has the edge? The Democrats should be worried, and Van Jones is sounding the alarm that even the most loyal supporters can’t ignore.

Written by Staff Reports

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