
Vance Slams Brakes on Biden’s DOJ Noms, Fights Back Against Political Prosecution!

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) has taken on the Biden administration’s corrupt tactics and announced on Tuesday that he will halt all Department of Justice (DOJ) nominations. The move comes after former President Donald Trump’s unprecedented indictment and arraignment in Miami that took place on the same day. Vance’s press release referred to the matter as “unprecedented political prosecution.”

Donald Trump is not the only victim of a Department that values politics over law enforcement. Vance claimed that Garland’s department targets pro-life advocates while allowing criminals to go free. He cited the DOJ’s selective targeting of Christian activists and the arrest of Mark Houck last September under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act, which he was later found innocent of in January.

Moreover, the DOJ neglected violent pro-abortion extremists who targeted pro-life organizations and churches since the leak of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision. The FBI even infiltrated Catholic churches, leading to a lawsuit against the DOJ.

Vance is not alone in his concerns regarding the Biden administration. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) has put a hold on Defense nominees because of the Pentagon’s illegal abortion policy. The holds have also been bipartisan, as Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) of the United States Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions will be opposing the NIH nominee until President Joe Biden comes up with a drug-pricing plan.

Vance is committed to halting the nominees’ approval by unanimous consent and ensuring that nominations to the DOJ will require a floor vote to be confirmed. Vance supports Donald Trump, who endorsed Vance in the crowded Ohio Republican primary.

In a message on Twitter, Vance explained why he took this action. He cited frustration with Garland’s use of the DOJ for politics instead of law enforcement. Vance stated that Garland has used his nominees to harass his political opponents, specifically those of former President Trump. Vance is determined to make the department work more slowly until Merrick Garland changes course and does his job the right way.

In conclusion, the DOJ’s corrupt actions have caused countless Republicans to take action against the department. Vance’s action is a way to stop Garland from pursuing political ends rather than upholding the law.

Source: Townhall

Written by Staff Reports

Vance Halts DOJ Noms: Biden’s Weaponized Justice & Trump’s 37-Count Indictment Scandal

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