
Vance Slams Ukraine Aid Fantasy, Demands US Border Focus!

Sen. J.D. Vance, a smart and savvy Ohio Republican, dropped some truth bombs when he spoke out about Ukraine on CNN’s “State of the Union.” He made it clear that the United States should recognize that Ukraine will have to give up some of its land to Russia. After all, folks, we need to bring an end to this silly conflict and focus on our own problems, like securing the southern border.

Vance isn’t about handing out freebies to Ukraine like the Democrats want to do with their no-strings-attached aid. He’s all about making sure any help for Ukraine is tied to beefing up security on our own turf. Makes sense, doesn’t it? Why throw money at a foreign country without making sure our own backyard is in order first?

And let’s be real, folks. President Biden is asking for another $60 billion for Ukraine as part of a $110 billion national security package. But what’s that gonna accomplish that the first $100 billion didn’t? Vance hit the nail on the head when he questioned this. It’s about time someone stood up and asked the tough questions!

Vance also called out the idea that Ukraine was ever gonna push Russia back to its 1991 border. I mean, come on, folks. That’s just plain ridiculous. It’s about time someone with common sense spoke out about this whole situation. It’s time to stop the bleeding and start using our heads.

So, kudos to Sen. J.D. Vance for speaking up and calling for some much-needed clarity and common sense in this whole Ukraine mess. Let’s get our priorities straight and focus on what really matters!

Written by Staff Reports

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