
Vandals Deface Lincoln Memorial: Anti-Israel Zealots Spill Red, Ignorance

It was a disgraceful sight in our nation’s capital this week as anti-Israel vandals defiled the hallowed steps of the Lincoln Memorial with red paint and spray-painted “FREE GAZA” on the tribute to our 16th president. Can you imagine the nerve of these misguided individuals? The National Park Service had to close off parts of the memorial to clean up this mess caused by the Hamas sympathizers who committed this act of vandalism.

Conservators immediately got to work trying to remove the paint, but it’s going to take multiple treatments over several days to fully clean up the damage. The audacity of these vandals is just mind-boggling. It’s like they have no respect for our nation’s history or the principles that Lincoln stood for.

The culprits responsible for this reprehensible act have not been apprehended, but authorities are urging anyone with information to come forward. The United States Park Police are actively seeking leads to bring these delinquents to justice.

What these vandals fail to understand is that the ones who truly need to be freed in Gaza are the innocent civilians who are oppressed and held captive by Hamas, the terrorist group that thrives on violence and uses its own people as human shields. If Gaza is to ever experience true freedom and peace, it’s imperative that Hamas be eliminated and rendered incapable of causing further harm.


Written by Staff Reports

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