
Vogue’s Bias Shines Through in Attack on Melania’s Fashion

The left-leaning fashionistas over at Vogue have decided that their latest target is none other than Melania Trump, the first lady with a style that manages to turn heads while simultaneously sending the wokerati into a frenzy. In a recent article that might as well have been penned by an angry fashionista still stinging from the 2016 election results, Vogue took it upon itself to rip apart the first lady’s sartorial choices amidst her husband’s early days in office.

The magazine labeled Melania as a “freelance magician,” suggesting that her black Dolce & Gabbana tuxedo jacket wore her rather than the other way around, or even implying she was a contestant on “The Apprentice,” which seems a tad unfair. Anyone who has been subjected to the artistic travesty that is the modern fashion industry might agree that the only magic happening here is how Vogue still manages to stay relevant. They’ve got Melania flaunting her elegance, while they’re criticizing her for not dressing like she just strolled off a Paris runway—because heaven forbid a first lady enjoys a hint of pizzazz while making history.

In reality, the fashion commentary seems to have little to do with Melania herself and everything to do with the fact that her husband is Donald Trump. None of these so-called fashion experts would dare criticize Michelle Obama or Jill Biden in such a scathing manner, were they to wear a tuxedo. Instead, they would swoon over how such choices exemplified grace and sophistication. The double standards are glaring, and it’s hard not to wonder if their disdain for Melania comes from her unabashed embrace of her past and her husband’s unapologetic demeanor on policy.

The Vogue hit piece even took a jab at Melania’s previous official portrait, contrasting it with her latest black-and-white image. Apparently, a smiling Melania displaying her wedding ring was a threat to the self-defined moral superiority of the fashion industry. But when it comes to showcasing wealth, it appears they’re looking for any opportunity to throw shade, while conveniently forgetting that their own celeb crowd often resembles folks with net worths that could buy a small country. The hypocrisy, coming from a publication that has profusely bragged about the lavish lifestyles of fashion moguls, is rich indeed. 


No one seems to question how Vogue has frequently given soft treatment to Democratic first ladies while turning a cold shoulder to Trump’s wife. Back in her husband’s first term, Melania was practically ignored—perhaps because she wasn’t participating in the so-called “resistance” or parading around in protest outfits. In the meek attempt to critique the first lady’s style, it seems Vogue has merely revealed their true colors: not a passion for fashion, but a blatant bias that is as predictable as it is tiresome.

If Vogue were to focus on their job—or perhaps tread carefully into an actual fashion discussion—maybe they wouldn’t find themselves struggling through a slow demise. Offering a classy first lady on their cover, regardless of her political views, would surely do wonders for a magazine that seems to be crumbling under its own politically motivated weight. But honestly, some people prefer finger-pointing over fashion, and in that case, Vogue should simply stick to what they do best: providing a laughable spectacle of elitism in an increasingly absurd world.

Written by Staff Reports

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