
Weingarten’s Warped Words Attack School Choice, Defy Democracy!

Randi Weingarten, the President of the American Federation of Teachers, is at it again with her nonsensical claims about school choice undermining democracy. In a recent video, she took aim at former White House Education Secretary Betsy Devos, journalist Christopher Rufo, and school choice activist Corey DeAngelis, accusing them of trying to sabotage our democracy with their support for school choice.

According to Weingarten, those who advocate for school choice have no solutions to offer other than privatizing or voucherizing schools, which she argues is a direct threat to our democracy, civil discourse, and pluralism. She warns that by advocating for school choice, these individuals are intentionally dividing the public school system and sowing discord among the masses. She even goes so far as to call out Rufo and DeAngelis by name, urging her audience to remember their involvement in the school choice movement.

But fear not, for Georgia state Rep. Mesha Mainor, who recently made the bold switch from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party, has set the record straight. She adamantly refutes Weingarten’s claims, stating that it’s not school choice that undermines democracy, but rather the forced attendance of children in failing schools. Mainor understands that allowing families to choose the best educational options for their children is a fundamental right that empowers students to learn, grow, and prosper.

If that wasn’t enough, Weingarten’s troubling connections were further exposed during a House hearing earlier this year. It was revealed that she admitted to suggesting “concepts” to the CDC regarding “reasonable accommodations” for teachers during the pandemic and even boasted about having the direct phone number of former CDC Director Rochelle Walensky. With Weingarten’s close ties to influential figures in the government, it’s clear that her agenda goes beyond just advocating for teachers.

In the face of such baseless claims and questionable connections, it’s imperative to remember the importance of school choice and the right of parents to make decisions that best suit their children’s educational needs. We must not let the fear-mongering tactics of individuals like Weingarten deter us from fighting for the freedom to choose the best education for our children.

Written by Staff Reports

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