
Whistleblower Exposes DOJ’s Shocking Hunter Biden Cover-up!

Whistleblower Gary Shapley has made a startling revelation, disclosing damning information regarding the Hunter Biden investigation prior to the 2020 elections. According to Shapley's testimony, the Delaware U.S. Attorney's Office, Department of Justice Tax, and Department of Justice showed favoritism towards Hunter Biden, impeding a potentially significant and high-profile investigation. Sean Davis of The Federalist explains that probable cause affidavits for search warrants related to Hunter Biden were prepared in early 2020 but were abruptly halted once Joe Biden became the presumed Democratic nominee.

Shapley himself reported a sensitive case to his superiors at the IRS, stating that by mid-March, they would be prepared to seek approvals for physical search warrants in California, Arkansas, New York, and Washington, D.C. A Special Agent drafted an affidavit on April 1st, 2020, establishing probable cause for these warrants, with plans to conduct about 15 simultaneous interviews at that time. However, these plans were never executed. The Department of Justice intentionally slowed down the investigative actions well before the customary 60- to 90-day period when they historically pause investigations before an election.

This preferential treatment given to Joe Biden stands in stark contrast to the Department of Justice's actions during Donald Trump's presidential candidacy in 2016. At that time, discredited political opposition research from Hillary Clinton's rival campaign and the Democratic National Committee was unlawfully utilized to conduct extensive surveillance on the Trump campaign, followed by a prolonged Special Counsel investigation that hindered the Trump presidency for years.

Gary Shapley deserves praise for bringing these matters to light, despite facing intense scrutiny. He made the courageous decision to do what was right by coming forward. The crucial question now is whether there will be any repercussions for those individuals who obstructed this investigation for political purposes. The American people deserve transparency and accountability from their government and those responsible for upholding the law.

Written by Staff Reports

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