
White House Caught Lying About Texas Border Crisis: Media’s Smear Campaign EXPOSED!

The White House and the liberal media are at it again, spreading more despicable lies in an attempt to attack Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas for actually doing something about the border crisis. You see, while the Biden administration sat twiddling their thumbs, Texas took matters into their own hands and started defending the border. And boy, did that ruffle some feathers!

But let’s get to the heart of the matter. The White House and the media spun a twisted tale, claiming that Texas officials prevented the CBP from rescuing drowning illegal aliens near Eagle Pass. Can you believe that? Trying to paint Gov. Abbott as heartless and indifferent to human lives? It’s nothing short of a smear campaign.


Sure, the story turned out to be completely untrue, but that didn’t stop the Democrats from running with it. Take Rep. Adam Schiff, for example. Despite the clear evidence debunking the story, he shamelessly continued to spread the falsehood. And don’t even get us started on his lack of regard for the truth. It’s truly mind-boggling.

Thankfully, there are still a few journalists out there who aren’t afraid to call out the lies. Bill Melugin from Fox News did just that, slamming Schiff for perpetuating the false narrative even after it had been debunked. Ali Bradley from News Nation also pointed out the glaring problem with Schiff’s claims by highlighting the DOJ filing that proved him wrong.


And let’s not forget Jorge Ventura, who covers the border extensively. He had the final say on the matter, highlighting the unfortunate truth that drownings happen frequently in the area. But where was the outrage before? It only seems to surface when it can be used as a political weapon against those actually working to secure the border.

That’s the sad reality of the situation. The Democrats care more about their own political agenda than the well-being of the American people. If they truly had a heart, they would support securing the border and putting an end to this crisis. But alas, they’re more interested in playing politics than doing what’s right. It’s a shame, really.

Written by Staff Reports

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