
White House Denies Biden Frozen at Event Conservative Critics Disagree

The White House recently denied claims that President Joe Biden froze at a Hollywood fundraiser. A video showing Barack Obama guiding Biden off stage went viral, sparking concerns. However, Biden’s senior deputy press secretary dismissed the incident as a non-issue, accusing media outlets of spreading false information.

Conservative critics argue that the video clearly shows Biden freezing up, contrary to the White House’s claims. They believe that mainstream media is actively attempting to downplay the incident to protect Biden’s image. This raises questions about media bias and their willingness to hold the President accountable for his actions.

Liberal outlets, such as The Daily Beast, have labeled the video as deceptively edited, suggesting that Biden was simply absorbing the crowd’s cheers. However, conservative commentators refute this narrative, pointing out that a few extra seconds of footage would not change the context of Biden’s frozen moment.

It is concerning how the mainstream media often echoes the Biden administration’s narrative without question. This incident is just one example of the media’s reluctance to criticize Biden or hold him accountable for misleading claims or actions. Conservatives argue that there is a clear double standard in how the media treats Biden compared to his predecessor, former President Donald Trump.

Written by Staff Reports

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