
WHO Mulls New Health Emergency Amid Mpox Resurgence in Africa

A resurgence of mpox cases has ignited alarm bells among health officials, particularly the World Health Organization, which is contemplating whether to declare a new international health emergency. This situation, originating in the Democratic Republic of Congo and expanding to neighboring countries, creates a conundrum for the WHO, which is no stranger to international health crises. Just when one thought the world could catch a break after the last round of pandemic hysteria, this news arrives to keep the excitement going.

Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General, announced plans to convene an emergency committee to assess the seriousness of the outbreak. It’s almost as if he’s sending a memo to the world that the alarm clock is ringing again, and this time, it might just be more than a drill. The last global health emergency, concerning this very same virus, appears to have left a lasting impression, with about 90,000 cases reported globally. Curiously, the initial outbreak primarily involved men who have sex with men, leading many to scratch their heads and wonder how much more inclusive this virus can get.

Despite the virus’s recent confinement to specific populations, there’s now speculation about its potential spread to the wider community. One would think that a virus initially contained to a certain demographic would take its time getting comfortable elsewhere. However, in the age of “what if?” it seems anything is possible. Public health officials are now pondering, perhaps too eagerly, about how this can evolve into another pandemic narrative that keeps the focus on public health—a favorite topic of the left.

The motivations behind this new proclamation of a potential emergency are, naturally, scrutinized. One angle suggests that the WHO is using this incident as a pretext for mobilizing abilities to authorize unlicensed vaccines and treatments more expediently. This may feel eerily familiar to those who experienced the COVID-19 pandemic, where the rapid authorization of untested vaccines became a hallmark of the response. It almost appears as if the playbook remains the same. 


Donors like Japan, the U.S., and the European Union are reportedly ready to lend support, but one must wonder what strings are attached this time. The global health community seems eager to jump back into the same model that led to widespread vaccination campaigns previously, justifying their eagerness with a fresh coat of urgency. While the WHO aligns itself for a new health blitz, the real question remains—are we being set up for a déjà vu moment that few signed up for again?

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