
Will Maine Boot Trump? Bellows Holds Cards for 2024 Chaos!

Former President Donald Trump faces yet another political tango as Maine’s Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, is set to rule on his eligibility for the state’s Republican primary election. The decision is expected to drop as soon as Friday, and the outcome could have yuge implications for the 2024 election.

The opponents of Trump, led by Democrat Ethan Strimling and Republican Kimberly Rosen, are up in arms, claiming that the former president’s alleged insurrectionist behavior disqualifies him from running for office again. They’re like a broken record, harping on about Trump’s role in the January 6th, 2021 mayhem. The audacity!

Last week, a fiery hearing took place, with Maine resident Mary Anne Royal passionately arguing that Trump blatantly violated his presidential oath. Trump’s attorney, Scott Gessler, was quick to clap back, asserting that deciding a presidential candidate’s eligibility is Congress’ job, not some state official’s gig. Can we get a round of applause for Mr. Gessler?

In a separate move, some nosy lawyers are attempting to keep Trump off the Maine ballot using the most absurd argument yet – citing Trump’s belief that he won the 2020 election and therefore should be ineligible for a third term. Yeah, good luck with that one.

Now, we’re all eagerly awaiting Secretary Bellows’ ruling, which could stop the Trump train in its tracks or give it a green light to chug ahead. The suspense is killing us! But hold on to your hats, folks, because Secretary Bellows wants to make it crystal clear that Friday’s decision is no hard deadline. Oh, the anticipation!

Written by Staff Reports

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