
Wisconsin GOP Targets Top Election Official: Payback Time?

In the 2020 presidential election, there were some states that raised more questions than others. Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Michigan were on the shortlist of questionable states. And guess who thinks something fishy went on in all of them? That’s right, the team of former President Donald Trump.

But now, it seems like there may be some serious consequences for one of the top election officials in those states. In Wisconsin, a Republican-led state committee has officially recommended the removal of Meagan Wolfe, the state’s top election official. The state’s Senate will be voting on this issue later this week.

Wolfe has been stubbornly defending Wisconsin’s election process lately, but many Republicans just don’t want to deal with any more questions this time around. And who can blame them? Americans deserve to know who won the presidential election, and they deserve to know it quickly. Anything less than a clear outcome is simply unfair to the great voters of this fine country.

But Wolfe seems to think there was nothing wrong with Wisconsin’s election process. She said, and I quote, “No election in Wisconsin history has been as scrutinized, reviewed, investigated, and reinvestigated as much as the November 2020 general election.” Well, that’s not surprising, considering it was the most irregular election of our lifetime. I mean, we went to bed on election night, thinking Trump had won, only to wake up and discover thousands and thousands and thousands of votes for Joe Biden magically appearing in the middle of the night. And wouldn’t you know it, this happened in areas where Trump was overperforming. Coincidence? I think not.

Trump and his team were convinced that liberals cheated to win the election. And you know what? I don’t blame them for thinking that. The evidence seems to point in that direction. It’s about time someone takes a stand and holds these election officials accountable if they were involved in any wrongdoing.

So let’s see what Wisconsin’s Senate decides. Will they remove Meagan Wolfe and show that they won’t tolerate any funny business in their elections? Or will they let her off the hook and send a message that cheating is okay as long as it helps the “right” candidate? The American people are eagerly waiting for the answer.

Written by Staff Reports

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