
Woke Church Apologizes for White Child – Left’s War on Whiteness Escalates!

A progressive “woke” Christian church is in hot water after it displayed a blonde white child on the cover of its calendar, causing offense to its members. The United Church of Christ (UCC) was forced to apologize for featuring the image, which its President John C. Dorhauer admitted showed “the subtleties of racism.” He said that the image should have been rotated slightly so that a more racially diverse person was at the top. Dorhauer also lamented the pervasiveness of “white privilege” and promised that future graphics would be aligned with the church’s commitment to antiracism.

This apology is yet another example of the ongoing attack on white people and their culture. It seems like every day there’s a new example of “woke” culture going too far and attacking anything remotely associated with whiteness. The UCC’s apology is just the latest example of how political correctness and “cancel culture” are destroying America.

It’s ridiculous that the UCC had to apologize for featuring a cute, blonde white child on the cover of its calendar. What’s wrong with being white? Why do progressives hate white people so much? This kind of rhetoric is nothing but divisive and harmful. It’s time for Americans to stand up against this kind of nonsense and defend our culture and heritage.

The UCC is supposed to be a Christian church, but it seems like they care more about pandering to “woke” culture than spreading the gospel. Hosting drag shows and attacking white people is not what Jesus would do. It’s time for Christians to remember the teachings of Christ and reject this progressive nonsense.

America is a great country, and we should be proud of our heritage. We should celebrate all cultures, not just the politically correct ones that are in fashion today. It’s time for Americans to unite and reject the divisive rhetoric of the left. We need to stand up for our values and our culture before it’s too late.

Source: Daily Fetched

Written by Staff Reports

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