
Woke Duke Energy Robs NC Customers to Push Costly Green Agenda!

Duke Energy, the energy giant that basically runs the show in North Carolina, is under fire from Consumers’ Research for its “woke” environmental, social, and governance (ESG) policies. These policies might sound fancy, but they’re actually costing customers big time. Duke Energy has been moving away from reliable and affordable energy sources in favor of more expensive and unreliable wind and solar power. And guess who foots the bill? That’s right, the hard-working folks of North Carolina.

While Duke Energy is busy patting itself on the back for its “net-zero” emissions goals, customers are feeling the pinch with higher energy costs. And to make matters worse, Duke Energy’s executives are raking in more money while regular folks are struggling to keep up. It’s like a bad episode of Robin Hood, but instead of robbing the rich to help the poor, Duke Energy is robbing the poor to enrich its executives.

Thankfully, Consumers’ Research has come to the rescue. With an advertising campaign and a letter to the North Carolina Utilities Commission, they’re demanding accountability from Duke Energy. They’re shining a light on the fact that Duke Energy has a complete monopoly on the energy market in North Carolina, leaving customers with no choice but to accept the increasing rates. It’s like being held hostage by your own electric company.

But the problems don’t stop there. Duke Energy seems to be more concerned with checking boxes on diversity and inclusion than delivering reliable service. They proudly boast about their racial and gender quotas for hiring, which is a slap in the face to merit-based hiring and a violation of civil rights. And if that’s not enough, they even sponsored a “Youth Pride Carnival” that included a “King and Queen Drag Show” for kids as young as 12. Talk about pushing a political agenda on unsuspecting children.

On the environmental front, Duke Energy is playing politics with its customers’ wallets. They advocate for costly “net-zero” policies that increase costs for the company, only to turn around and pass those costs onto the customers. It’s a classic bait-and-switch. And while customers struggle to pay their bills, Duke Energy’s CEO is laughing all the way to the bank with a nearly 50% increase in compensation.

Consumers’ Research is not backing down. They’ve launched a website,, to expose Duke Energy’s actions and put pressure on the company. They’re even taking their message to the streets with mobile billboards and digital ads targeting customers and employees. It’s time for Duke Energy to put the needs of its customers first and stop using them as pawns in their political and financial games.

In the end, it’s the hard-working people of North Carolina who suffer the most from Duke Energy’s misguided priorities. It’s time for a change, and Consumers’ Research is leading the charge. Let’s rebuke Duke Energy and demand better for the people who keep the lights on in this great state.

Written by Staff Reports

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