
Woke Pastor Backs Gay Agenda, Bible-Based Smackdown Follows!

Meet Zach Lambert, the woke pastor who thinks he’s got it all figured out. As the head of Restore Austin, a church in the Texas capital, he may not be a household name, but his influence on social media is undeniable. Unfortunately, that influence is anything but positive.

One look at Lambert’s pinned tweet from September 2023 is all you need to know about his agenda. He claims to have grown up in white evangelicalism, where he learned that we’re all equal in Christ, anyone is welcome at church, the oppressed should be uplifted, every religion deserves freedom, and the words of Jesus must be taken seriously. While these may seem like admirable values, Lambert’s interpretation of them is completely skewed.

According to the Texas Observer, Lambert’s church was actually kicked out of the Evangelical Free Church of America for refusing to sign an “anti-LGBTQIA+ policy.” Alarm bells should be ringing at this point. Clearly, Lambert’s version of Christianity is one that caters to his own agenda, rather than adhering to the true teachings of the Bible.

But what really sets Lambert apart is his recent self-own regarding biblical language. In a one-sentence post on social media, he claimed that the word “homosexuality” didn’t even appear in the Bible until 1946, and that it was a translation error. Wow, what a groundbreaking revelation! Except, it’s completely false.

As it turns out, the term “homosexuality” was actually coined by an Austrian-Hungarian psychologist in the 1800s. But the concept of same-sex relations is clearly stated in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, dating back centuries. Leviticus 18:22 explicitly states, “Thou shalt not lie with mankinde, as with womankinde: it is abomination.”

So much for Lambert’s claim that the Bible doesn’t condemn homosexuality. Maybe he should actually read the Word of God before trying to twist it to fit his own narrative. It’s no wonder that commenters were quick to call him out on his false statements.

Of course, Lambert attempted to backtrack on his original post, claiming that it was nuanced and open to interpretation. But let’s not be fooled. This guy is just looking for attention and trying to push his own agenda. We don’t need to take anything he says seriously.

In the end, Lambert’s attempt to conform to the world’s changing opinions on homosexuality is nothing short of a betrayal of true biblical teachings. As Jesus himself warned, “Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.” We would do well to heed that warning and not let people like Lambert sway us from the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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