
Woody Harrelson EXPOSES Covid Vax & Big Pharma In Epic SNL Monologue

Woody Harrelson’s bold and controversial monologue on Saturday Night Live last night has sparked a heated debate between both sides of the political aisle. The Oscar-nominated actor took aim at Big Pharma and the Covid vaccines, joking about a hypothetical “drug cartel” scenario that would force people to take the cartel’s drugs. Although leftist media outlets were quick to criticize Harrelson’s remarks, many on social media praised him for having the courage to speak out on what is still a controversial issue.

At Townhall, Guy Benson reported that emerging science is continuing to vindicate vaccine and mask mandate critics. This further proves that the liberal media is attempting to discredit any opinion that does not align with their own narrative.

It is clear that Big Pharma and the liberal media are trying to silence those who are critical of their agenda. Woody Harrelson’s monologue was a brave and bold stand against the oppressive forces of Big Pharma and the liberal media. It is time for conservatives to stand up and fight back against these powerful forces that are trying to control our lives.

The Covid vaccines have been pushed by Big Pharma and the liberal media without any real scientific evidence to back up their claims. We must be vigilant in questioning the motives of Big Pharma and the liberal media and not be afraid to speak out against their agenda.

Woody Harrelson’s monologue was a breath of fresh air in a world where it seems like everyone is afraid to speak their mind. His words should serve as a reminder that we must always stand up for what we believe in, even if it means going against the grain. We must never be afraid to speak out against the oppressive forces of Big Pharma and the liberal media, and we must always remember that our voices matter.

Source: Townhall

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