
Yellen Clueless on Economy Woes – Biden’s Blunders Exposed!

In a stunning admission that comes as no surprise, Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen revealed that she doesn’t have a clue as to why Americans continue to have a negative view of the U.S. economy. It’s quite laughable, considering she actually believes the Biden administration has done a great job. (And by great, we mean disastrous.)

During her appearance on the liberal echo chamber known as “Morning Joe,” Yellen was asked about the disconnect between the positive economic numbers and the dismal feelings of the American people. Naturally, she couldn’t offer a simple and convincing answer because, well, there isn’t one. Americans aren’t fooled by the smoke and mirrors put up by the Biden administration.

Yellen attempted to blame the pandemic for the economic turmoil, conveniently forgetting the fact that it was their own misguided policies that prolonged the suffering of American families. She also mentioned the supply bottlenecks caused by the pandemic, but failed to mention the mountains of regulations and crippling taxes that the Biden administration has burdened businesses with. It’s no wonder we’re facing such high levels of inflation.

But let’s not forget the cherry on top of this economic disaster sundae: Russia’s brutal attack on Ukraine, which caused gas and food prices to skyrocket. This is what happens when you have a weak president who can’t stand up to our adversaries. The Biden administration’s incompetence is directly responsible for the pain Americans are feeling at the pump and the grocery store. Thanks, Joe.

Yellen conveniently pointed out that Americans’ personal financial situations have improved during the pandemic. Well, of course, people are going to feel positive about their own finances when the government is handing out stimulus checks left and right. But when it comes to the broader economy, Americans are smart enough to see through the Biden administration’s lies.

A recent CNN poll confirmed what we already knew: Americans don’t believe the Biden administration’s claims that the economy is doing better. With an overall approval rating of just 41%, it’s clear that the majority of Americans see through Biden’s facade. And when it comes to handling the economy and inflation, Biden’s approval drops even lower. Only 30% of Americans approve of his handling of inflation, and even less among political independents.

It’s clear that the American people aren’t buying what Yellen and the Biden administration are selling. They can try to spin the numbers all they want, but the reality is that their policies have led to skyrocketing inflation, job-killing regulations, and a weak position on the global stage. It’s time for the Biden administration to take responsibility for the mess they’ve created and start putting America first. The American people deserve better than this.

Written by Staff Reports

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