
Youngkin Defends Parental Rights: A Bold Stand on Transgender School Policies

Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia has once again stood up for parental rights by releasing new education policies regarding transgender studies. These policies, known as “Model Policies on Ensuring Privacy, Dignity, and Respect for All Students and Parents in Virginia’s Public Schools,” have received considerable support despite pushback from liberal school districts in Northern Virginia.

At a recent Virginia Board of Education meeting, parents and various groups, including religious and family values organizations, expressed their endorsement for Youngkin’s policies. These policies include provisions that allow families to opt out of situations where a transgender student is present, such as using school bathrooms or locker rooms. Supporters also praised the requirement for parental approval regarding name changes and counseling related to gender identity.

Critics argue that disclosing a student’s transgender identity to non-supportive parents could put them in danger. However, backers of the policy have assured that there are protections against abuse. The newscaster reporting on the meeting interviewed Ginny Gentles of the Independent Women’s Forum (IWF), who shared her trust issues with the Virginia Public School System and her support for Youngkin’s policies.

Gentles highlighted the previous policies implemented by Democratic Governor Ralph Northam’s administration, which she believed went too far by requiring pronoun usage and encouraging secretive action plans for students’ transitions. She emphasized the importance of protecting children from government employees who manipulate and pressure them to choose a new identity, ultimately hiding these transitions from their parents.

Gentles also expressed concern about the confusion and destabilization that the 2021 policies caused in emotionally vulnerable children, particularly girls. She reminded viewers that puberty is already challenging for young people and argued that these children deserve parental involvement during this difficult time. Gentles warned against the irreversible damage caused by medical transitions and criticized the risks disregarded by the previous policies.

She concluded by emphasizing that the new 2023 model policies not only protect emotionally vulnerable children but also respect parents’ rights and relieve teachers from the burden of keeping secrets from parents. Gentles’ concerns are not unfounded, as last summer, it was revealed that the Fairfax County Public School System (FCPS) was training teachers to facilitate transitions without parental consent.

The FCPS, along with other liberal districts, has consistently resisted Youngkin’s efforts to protect parental rights. While Superintendent Michelle Reid of the FCPS claimed they would remain inclusive, parents attending the Virginia Board of Education meeting clearly expressed their support for the new policies.

In addition to the vocal support at the meeting, there have been op-eds and positive coverage for Youngkin’s policies. Mary Vought wrote an op-ed in the Richmond Times-Dispatch emphasizing the importance of parental involvement, and Laura Bryant Hanford praised the policies as best practices for children in the Fairfax County Times. Youngkin’s Parents Matter town hall events have also received positive coverage from various media outlets.

The 2021 gubernatorial election exit polls showed that Youngkin won with voters who prioritize the education issue. He outperformed former Governor Terry McAuliffe, even in liberal strongholds where he did not win. This shows that the people of Virginia appreciate Youngkin’s commitment to parental rights and his efforts to prioritize academics over activism in schools.

It is clear that Governor Glenn Youngkin is fulfilling his promise to protect parental rights and ensure a quality education for all students in Virginia. His policies have received widespread support from parents, religious and family values groups, and even some doctors. Youngkin’s focus on these issues during his campaign resonated with voters, and his implementation of these policies demonstrates his commitment to conservative values and the well-being of Virginia’s children.

Written by Staff Reports

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