
Zuckerberg Shifts Right After Censored Trump Call, Slams Meta’s Blunder Amid Assassination Attempt

Former President Donald Trump has stirred the pot once again, this time with some juicier details from a post-assassination phone call with Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Fresh from an assassination attempt on July 13, Trump received a curious call from Zuckerberg himself, who apparently couldn’t resist giving the former president a well-deserved pat on the back. The call reportedly involved not just an apology for censoring Trump’s moment of defiance—a photo of him with blood on his face and a fist raised—but also a surprising admission: Zuckerberg’s political leanings might have just taken a hard right turn.

In his distinctive, larger-than-life fashion, Trump described the Zuckerberg call as an acknowledgment of bravery. Apparently, Zuckerberg was impressed with Trump’s ability to stand tall, even while literally bleeding from the ear after the assassination attempt. Who knew the tech mogul had such a fondness for tough-guy antics? According to reports, Zuckerberg didn’t just offer compliments; he also declared that he would be jumping ship from the Democratic Party for the upcoming election, marking a significant pivot in a world where tech leaders often walk the progressive line.

This wasn’t just a casual chat over coffee; Zuckerberg had to play damage control after Meta mistakenly censored an iconic image that showed Trump standing strong amidst chaos. A Meta spokesperson, in what can only be described as a backpedaling maneuver, acknowledged that their fact-checking team had let the proverbial beehive get stirred. They initially slapped a fact check on a goofy, doctored image instead of the real deal, leaving many to wonder how they could confuse a serious moment with a silly meme.

Interestingly, Trump didn’t mince words when it came to Google’s similar censorship of the assassination attempt imagery. In a tone that could only be described as classic Trump, he called out the tech giant for being “very bad” and “very irresponsible.” His bold prediction: Congress is gearing up to shut down Google. The irony here is palpable, especially considering how often conservative voices get silenced while Google showcases results about other high-profile individuals. Apparently, trying to search for information on a failed assassination attempt was destined to lead straight to—what else— results about liberal darlings.

Despite Zuckerberg’s newly-minted anti-Democrat stance, he has yet to officially endorse Trump, leaving observers to speculate whether this is a sign of true change or merely a clever PR move. Nevertheless, the former president’s cheeky banter and bravado continue to shake things up in the political landscape, leaving critics scrambling to keep up. As tech leaders like Zuckerberg contemplate their newfound political allegiances, it seems the only certainty is that the battle over free speech and political correction in Silicon Valley is nowhere near over.

Written by Staff Reports

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