
A Liberal Host Slams Bill Maher the New York Times for Ignoring Kavanaugh Assailant Attempt

The murder attempt on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh made headlines lately. Abortionists staged protests outside their houses when Democrats pushed people to demonstrate against the court (a violation of federal law). Even the addresses of the judges and their families were made public on the Internet by the administration.

What did they foresee as the result? What’s this? This crazy man was apprehended outside of Kavanaugh’s house, with firearms and burglary equipment in his hands. It was obvious what he was up to, given his threats against the court system.

This is a disgraceful sequence of circumstances for which Democrats should take responsibility. The left-wing media, on the other hand, refused to report on it at all. So, Bill Maher, the liberal HBO presenter, let them have it.

If a newspaper previously vowed to report “all the news that’s fit to print,” how can it overlook an attempted murder of a Supreme Court justice? Because if they’d alerted readers to this alarming development, maybe they’d have found sympathy for this conservative court?

If extreme radicals had been sent to attack the court, Democrats may have felt remorseful about it. Even if the Supreme Court does not reverse Roe v. Wade, this narrative may have swayed public opinion in favor of the court rather than against it.

Rather than air it, NYT editors chose to keep it under wraps in the hopes that their readers would never learn about it. Then, if they do, they’ll think that it wasn’t a major concern since it was hidden from them.

What a sad state of affairs. No, Bill Maher is not a Republican. And the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe is certain to enrage him. At the very least, he’s civilized enough to see that threatening the life of a justice—and the lives of his family—is completely wrong.

His prejudice is so obvious, he realizes, that it is destroying the New York Times’ reputation in real-time.

Few liberals these days are prepared to look at things objectively. To them, this assassination attempt is nothing more than an opportunity to further their extremist agenda.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on National Insiders.

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