You probably know someone who is stockpiling food and supplies for a disaster. Maybe you are even one of them. But you might not be aware that this practice is growing at a rapid rate. If you don’t have the resources to prepare for catastrophic events, it’s time to start. This guide will help walk you through the process so you can get started today.
Most people don’t have enough supplies to get them through a natural disaster.
People who are preparing for a major disaster do not want to be caught short of food and water. At the very least, they’re stocking up on canned goods, dry cereal and rice. But how long will that get you?
- Canned goods: according to FEMA, cans of food last about three years in storage before they lose their nutritional value. After that, you’re only left with some kind of pea soup or green bean casserole—not exactly something you want to eat when there’s no power.
- Dry cereal: if you think your kids will be excited about eating stale cornflakes after a hurricane hits Florida (or wherever), think again. And even if they don’t care what they’re eating as long as they have something in their belly, their parents will certainly care—and hopefully remember how long those boxes were sitting on the shelf before the storm struck!
- Rice: this is another staple that has an expiration date—and it doesn’t take long for rice to go bad once it’s been cooked even once!
Stockpiling food and supplies can save your life.
The truth is, most of us are unprepared to deal with a major disaster. Most people believe they’re prepared because they have a few days’ worth of food and water stored in their home or car. But how many people have enough supplies on hand to last more than 3 days? How many people would be prepared if the grid was down for weeks (or months)?
If you haven’t stockpiled food and supplies yet, now’s the time to make sure you’re ready for anything that might come your way!

Canned foods are a staple for the average American household.
Canned foods are a staple of the average American household. They’re easy to store, inexpensive and nutritious.
You can buy canned food in bulk at Costco or Sam’s Club and store it in your pantry until needed. If you’re worried about a major disaster, however, you’ll also want to keep some canned goods on hand as well—in case your regular supply runs out or is interrupted due to natural disasters like floods or tornados.
The best part about canned foods is that they last for years after being opened—even without refrigeration!
Stocking up on medicine is important.
In the event of a disaster, it’s not just food that you’ll need to stockpile. You should also stock up on medicine. Here is a list of items that you should consider keeping in your emergency kit:
- Over-the-counter medications (pain relievers, cold and flu medicines)
- Allergy medicines
- Vitamins and supplements
- Emergency medications (aspirin, insulin)

Pets need food too, and they’re usually forgotten.
As you plan your preparations, make sure you’re also preparing for your pet’s needs. If a disaster does occur, the safest place for your pets is indoors with you or in a safe room (like a closet) without windows. However, if that’s not possible and they have to be out on their own, make sure they have enough food and water stored up to last them for at least three days—the typical length of time rescuers are able to stay onsite after a disaster strikes before having to leave due to lack of resources themselves.
Keep in mind that pets experience post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), just like humans do. They can also become depressed after experiencing trauma or loss; so make sure they have toys they enjoy playing with when they’re home alone so they’ll keep themselves occupied until help arrives!
Finally: don’t forget about yourself! If possible (and safe), schedule some time away from work and commitments so you can rest up too—it can be hard to find peace when everything around us seems chaotic

Allergy sufferers should be prepared with their medications.
If you’re allergic to something, such as nuts or shellfish, and have an EpiPen or inhaler on hand that you use regularly, then it might be a good idea to stock up on these items. The same goes for prescription medications. If you take daily allergy medications or any other prescription medication for an ongoing condition such as diabetes or high blood pressure (HBP), make sure to add those items to your stockpile.
Remember, preparing for a disaster is a best-case scenario. If you don’t have enough food or water at home and your local supermarket is empty, there are still ways to get what you need. You should make sure that the cash in your wallet is enough to buy supplies for your family for at least one week or longer if necessary. You can also call ahead to see what items are available before heading out on foot or driving around town as this will save time as well as fuel while ensuring they won’t run out when it really matters most – during an emergency situation.