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Americans Have No faith In Biden To Handle The Russia-Ukraine Conflict

As domestic difficulties worsen, fewer Americans are inclined to support Biden’s costly response to Russian aggression because they lack faith in his ability to handle the Ukraine conflict.

According to a new poll conducted by the Associated Press and the NORC Center for Public Affairs Research, only 21% of Americans believe “a great deal of confidence” Biden can adequately confront the war in Eastern Europe.

At least 39%, on the other hand, say they have “hardly any” faith in the Democrat, whose approval rating has dropped to an all-time low of 39% this week.

Overall, 54 percent of Americans disapprove of Biden’s handling of American-Russian ties in general.

Fewer Americans consider taking action against Russia as a priority because of their mistrust of Biden. In March, 55 percent of voters in the United States felt the Biden administration should prioritize sanctions against Russia over defending the American economy. That number has declined ten percentage points since then.

Now, 51% of adults in the United States believe the federal government should focus on limiting harm to the economy, which is already beset by record-high gas costs and growing inflation. Biden, on the other hand, continues to blame the country’s economic troubles on “Putin’s price hike,” which began long before guns were fired in Ukraine. 

Despite the fact that at least 32% of Americans polled by the Associated Press oppose transferring funding directly to Ukraine, Biden spent time and effort, with the cooperation of Republicans and Democrats in Congress, funnelling $40 billion in taxpayer monies to the Ukrainian government.

Despite the president’s previous commitment to limit military deployment to NATO countries exclusively and Americans’ widespread aversion to boots on the ground, Biden’s administration is considering sending troops to the US Embassy in Ukraine.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Federalists.

Written by Staff Reports

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