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Despite Media Fawning, Biden’s Approval Rating Is Lower Than Trump’s

Despite the corporate media’s constant adoration of Vice President Joe Biden, citizens are displeased with the way the Democrat is leading the country.

This is evident in polls like the Morning Consult’s, which found Biden to have a 29 percent approval rating at the beginning of June. His disapproval rating hit a new high of 58 percent, the highest for a president in office for less than two years.

That’s also a new high for a president who is constantly portrayed in the propaganda press as a “healing” leader who bears no responsibility for the country’s border crisis, skyrocketing inflation, nearly $5 per gallon gas prices on average, baby formula shortages, supply-chain crises, fatal Afghanistan withdrawal, and other problems.

Furthermore, Biden’s new approval ratings are worse than previous President Donald Trump’s at the same point in his reign. Pollsters estimated Trump’s approval at 45 percent and his disapproval at 52 percent just one and a half years into his presidency, amid the media’s Russia collusion phoney circus.

Trump’s figures were taken at a time when he was beset by false scandals concocted by Hillary Clinton and Democrats and then broadcast by the corporate media. The propagandist press has been slamming Trump for the past four years. They took every opportunity to brand Trump a fascist and a white supremacist when they weren’t accusing him of stealing the 2016 election. The press repeatedly misled about Trump’s response to Covid-19, his response to rioting near the White House, his speeches, his attempts to hold Communist China accountable, his call with Ukraine’s president, and much more.

The corporate media, on the other hand, has greeted Biden with open arms since he entered the White House. They hurried to accentuate his phoney pleas for togetherness, all the while ignoring his family’s history of corruption and shady business relationships with foreign billionaires. They refused to ask Biden or now-Vice President Kamala Harris questions on the campaign trail or during debates even before he took office. Instead, the media focused on the Democrat duo’s footwear choices, inauguration playlists, White House pets, and Biden’s ice cream addiction, all while ignoring the president’s long list of gaffes.

Despite the corporate media’s insistence on showering Biden with favors, softball interviews, and flowery pieces dismissing America’s issues, voters are clearly dissatisfied with his track record, which shows no signs of improving before the November midterm elections.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on The Federalists.

Written by Staff Reports

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