
AOC Throws Biden Under the Bus Over Immigration Struggles!

In a recent interview with The New York Times, New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez didn’t hold back her criticism of President Joe Biden’s handling of immigration. Ocasio-Cortez stated that immigration is the weakest issue for the Biden administration and that politics, rather than sound policy, has dictated their approach. She also emphasized the need to address the root causes of migration and not just focus on the border.

The Times questioned Ocasio-Cortez about why she hasn’t visited the border during Biden’s presidency, especially since she had done so during the Trump administration. Ocasio-Cortez responded by saying that she plans to visit the border and that she has been touring New York-area facilities to understand the crisis happening in her own backyard. However, it’s worth noting that Texas has been busing migrants to New York City to share the burden of the border crisis, as reported by Townhall.

The Times also highlighted the fact that many New Yorkers are unhappy with the influx of migrants. A poll showed that 62% of registered voters in New York City support relocating migrants to other parts of the state. Ocasio-Cortez defended her stance, stating that New Yorkers are still willing to welcome migrants but need partnership from the federal government. She failed to mention that border states like Texas have been dealing with the border crisis for years and are actually on the front line.

Another poll found that more than 80% of voters in New York state consider the influx of illegal immigrants a serious problem. When asked about the Biden administration’s handling of migrants coming to New York, only 34% of respondents approved. It’s clear that New Yorkers, regardless of their political affiliation, are concerned about the situation. The Harvard/Harris poll further revealed that immigration is a top concern for voters, surpassing inflation and rising crime rates.

It’s refreshing to see Ocasio-Cortez speak out against the Biden administration’s failures in immigration, but it remains to be seen whether any meaningful action will be taken to address the crisis. With the majority of voters expressing concern about illegal immigration, it’s crucial for the government to listen and take effective measures to secure the border and enforce immigration laws.

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