
Axelrod Shrugs Off Biden Ire, Dems Rally for Strategy Shift

In a recent exchange, political strategist David Axelrod made it clear that he’s not losing any sleep over what Joe Biden thinks about him. As reports circulated that Axelrod had received an outpouring of support for his assessment of Biden’s performance in the polls, he seemed quite unbothered by the presidential disapproval.

Columnist Maureen Dowd chimed in, suggesting that the president should resist the temptation to let his Irish pride get the best of him and focus on seeking advice from the brightest minds in his party. In response, Axelrod pointed out that it might be in Biden’s best interest to consider stepping out of the race after trailing behind Donald Trump in critical battleground states. The strategist didn’t hold back during a CNN appearance, expressing his discontent with the “What, me, worry?” approach to the campaign and emphasizing the need for a change in strategy.

Despite ruffling some feathers, Axelrod remained steadfast in his position, revealing that he had the backing of numerous Democrats who were relieved that someone had voiced their concerns about Biden. Despite the president’s unhappiness with Axelrod’s outspokenness, the strategist appeared unfazed, emphasizing that the welfare of the campaign was his primary concern.

Written by Staff Reports

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