
Biden Admin Claims Drop in Illegal Crossings, Critics Cry Foul on Real Numbers

The Biden administration is taking a victory lap over what they tout as a significant decline in illegal immigration, claiming the rate has dropped to fewer than 1,800 apprehensions each day at the southern border. The President’s latest assertion that the problem has largely been resolved seems awfully convenient given that it coincides with an election cycle where every little positive statistic is paraded around like a trophy. This recent “success” was reportedly achieved thanks to new rules implemented in June, which allowed the president to tighten asylum policies and expedite the ousting of border jumpers who opt for sneaking in, rather than using the designated crossing points.

Biden boldly claimed that current border crossings are at lower levels than they were at the end of the previous administration. This is the same administration that was accused of an open-border policy, where folks were practically being invited to stroll into the U.S. without a care in the world. Yet, it seems the President is playing fast and loose with numbers, likely ignoring reality for the sake of political optics. Critics have pointed out that while border patrol arrests might be down, those numbers don’t capture the whole story. A closer examination reveals a continuing stream of unauthorized migrants being facilitated through ports of entry, thanks in part to the Biden-Harris approach that essentially opens the door wide for those without visas.

While some might congratulate the Biden administration on their “success” of keeping numbers below 1,800 captured border crossers, others argue that it’s a classic case of numbers massaging. Former immigration judge Andrew R. Arthur lambasted the administration’s metrics, stating they conveniently exclude thousands of migrants being processed through legal loopholes. If one takes into account the migrants being allowed entry through various “parole” programs, the figure surges to over 3,200 individuals being welcomed into the country each day, a far cry from the rosy numbers presented by the administration.

As the political landscape heats up, Vice President Kamala Harris is looking to spin these statistics in her favor as she gears up for a campaign to solidify her position as the Democratic nominee. It’s a laughable irony considering her role in overseeing the southern border crisis — the very issue that could waste her chances and bolster her opponents, like the former President. If her record is any indication, it seems voters might have some strong opinions about her claims of progress at the border. 


History often tells a different tale, and the narrative surrounding immigration in America has demonstrated consistent fluctuations. Past attempts at tightening border security have often led to short-term drops in migration, only to rebound as smugglers and migrants find new ways around the pressure applied on the border. While the Biden administration may want to pat itself on the back for its current apprehension statistics, those hopeful numbers don’t account for the long-term implications — or the astounding forecast from the Congressional Budget Office. Their estimates predict nearly 8.7 million more people will be added to the U.S. population due to the current border influx by 2026.

This ought to give everyone, regardless of political affiliation, something to ponder. It’s a classic bait and switch; while the administration touts fewer apprehensions, the overall picture presents a more chaotic reality. Unfortunately, the American public isn’t easily fooled by mere rhetoric, and as the old saying goes, “Numbers don’t lie.” They reveal a different narrative entirely, one that suggests a border situation more problematic than the administration would like to admit.

Written by Staff Reports

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