
Biden Admin Declares War on Transparency, Claims Power to Hide Incompetence!

The Biden administration is at it again, folks! This time, they’re not just trying to sweep their mistakes under the rug, they’re proclaiming that they have the power to hide any evidence of their incompetence! Can you believe it? It’s like they’re playing hide and seek with the truth, and the American people are the ones being kept in the dark!

It’s no secret that the left-wing media has been giving Biden and his cronies a free pass at every turn. But now, they’re taking it a step further by openly declaring that they have the right to cover up any evidence that could expose their unfitness for office. This is a blatant abuse of power and a slap in the face to transparency and accountability in government.

The American people deserve to know the truth about their leaders, especially when it comes to their fitness for office. But instead of being honest and forthcoming, the Biden White House is trying to pull the wool over our eyes and pretend that everything is just peachy keen. Well, we’re not buying it!

It’s time for the Biden administration to stop playing games and start being honest with the American people. We deserve leaders who are transparent, accountable, and willing to face the consequences of their actions. But it looks like we’ll have to wait a little longer for that to happen. Shame on them!

Written by Staff Reports

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