
Biden Admin Frees Dangerous Russian Hitman in Controversial Prisoner Swap

The Biden administration has struck yet another questionable bargain with the Russians as part of a major prisoner swap. This deal, which is still unfolding, has involved the release of several Americans, including a Wall Street Journal reporter, a former US Marine, and a Radio Free Europe journalist. Additionally, a Washington Post columnist who is a permanent U.S. resident was released. While this may seem like a win for diplomacy, the details reveal a deeper concern about the types of individuals being traded and the implications for American security.

According to Biden, the deal resulted in the release of 16 prisoners by Russia in exchange for eight Russians held in the West. Among those freed were five Germans and seven Russian citizens labeled political prisoners in Russia, which brings the total to a staggering 24 people involved in this so-called “swap.” However, the Biden team seems to conveniently overlook the unsavory characters being released as part of this arrangement.

Notably, Vadim Krasikov, a notorious Russian hitman who had been imprisoned in Germany for murder, was among those whom Biden agreed to release. This raises serious questions about the value of American lives compared to the dangerous criminals being freed. The swap reportedly involved three Russian prisoners, including an intelligence operative accused of smuggling U.S. technology and ammunition to the Russian military, along with a couple of other Russian prisoners released by Slovenia, Norway, and Poland. This is a risky endeavor that suggests a willingness to trade innocent lives for individuals with blood on their hands.

Adding insult to injury, Biden’s administration has left behind Marc Fogel, an American who has been held in Russia since August 2021 for possessing what he claimed was a mere 17 grams of medical marijuana. This hypocrisy cannot go unnoticed. The President appears to be willing to negotiate the freedom of those who do not face dire consequences while leaving behind an innocent man who has already suffered enough due to heavy-handed foreign laws.

This isn’t Biden’s first dubious trade; his administration previously exchanged pro basketball player Brittney Griner for notorious arms dealer Viktor Bout. Such poor negotiating tactics send the concerning message that America is becoming a nation where wrongfully detained citizens can be bartered for criminals, potentially increasing the number of future detentions.

Biden’s public address regarding the swap showcased his trademark lack of clarity and composure. In a questionable response to a reporter pressing him on former President Trump’s supposed ability to negotiate better terms, Biden stumbled through a confused justification, demonstrating that he might not fully grasp the implications of what he was saying. The inability to recognize that many of the Americans released were victims of his administration speaks volumes about his leadership and comprehension.

As if that weren’t enough, in a less-than-graceful bid for empathy, Biden bizarrely compared the situation to his family tragedies, declaring that he understood the families’ pain. This attempt at personal connection fell flat. The losses his family faced bear no resemblance to the anguish of families whose loved ones are held captive in a foreign nation. It was a misstep that only served to highlight his tendency to make the situation about himself rather than those directly affected.

In the grand tradition of questionable Biden moments, he then proceeded to mock a young girl by suggesting she shouldn’t date “serious guys” until she’s 30. This strange comment, seemingly made in jest, exemplifies the ongoing struggle within the Biden administration to maintain a polished and professional demeanor on the global stage.

Ultimately, this prisoner swap has the potential to embolden adversaries while leaving innocent Americans at risk. With each deal made by this administration, the message becomes clear: American lives are currency to be traded, and apologies for past misjudgments are nowhere to be found. The consequences of these actions may be long-lasting, and the question looms: how much longer will this administration continue to value foreign criminals over American citizens?

Written by Staff Reports

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