
Biden Administration’s DACA Move Adds $7 Billion to National Deficit

The Biden administration’s latest move to open up Obamacare enrollment to DACA recipients is painting a grim financial picture, according to a report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The report projects that roughly 110,000 DACA recipients will sign up for Obamacare, tacking on a staggering $7 billion to the national deficit from 2025 to 2034. It’s like the administration is playing a never-ending game of financial Tetris, except instead of clearing lines, they’re just stacking debts sky high.

President Joe Biden’s decision to tweak the rules of Obamacare to accommodate DACA recipients is like adding fuel to the fiscal fire. Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which got an extended lease on life through 2025, the cost of allowing DACA enrollees to access subsidized coverage could soar even higher. The CBO predicts that if these tax credits become a permanent fixture, the final bill for this new rule could balloon to around $9 billion. That’s a hefty price tag for playing political games with taxpayer dollars.

The CBO report, prompted by Republican Reps. Jodey Arrington of Texas and Jason Smith of Missouri, highlights the alarming consequences of the Biden administration’s immigration policies. By bending the rules to allow Dreamers access to Obamacare, the administration is effectively sidestepping the restrictions that bar those unlawfully present in the U.S. from receiving subsidies. It’s like a backdoor loophole that’s costing American taxpayers billions in the long run.

With DACA recipients set to officially start enrolling in the Obamacare marketplace on November 1, the financial fallout of this decision is becoming increasingly clear. The Biden administration’s executive order granting amnesty to over half a million illegal immigrants, including those married to U.S. citizens, is just adding another layer to the already messy situation at the border. Critics are rightly pointing out that these moves are only serving to incentivize further illegal immigration, worsening an already dire crisis.

In the end, the Biden administration’s willingness to bend the rules and play fast and loose with taxpayer dollars is coming at a hefty cost. As the national deficit continues to swell, it’s conservative Americans who are left footing the bill for these politically motivated decisions. It’s time for accountability and fiscal responsibility to take center stage, rather than using taxpayer money as a bargaining chip in the immigration debate.

Written by Staff Reports

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