
Biden Advisor Blocks Defense Act: Not Woke Enough!

Biden’s National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan is causing quite a stir by vowing to block the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) because, brace yourself, it’s not woke enough! That’s right, folks, apparently our national security is not a priority for the Biden administration if it doesn’t align with their left-wing social agenda.

Sullivan appeared on CNN’s “State of the Union,” where he made his outrageous claim against House Republicans who had the audacity to propose amendments that would prevent the Department of Defense from engaging in absurd and unnecessary practices. These amendments would have put a stop to the Pentagon providing “gender-affirming care” to transgender service members, funding travel and abortion expenses for women service members, and wasting money on diversity and inclusion programs.

But no, according to Sullivan, addressing the security needs of our nation is less important than pushing their radical social agenda. It’s clear that the Democrats are more interested in appeasing their progressive base than actually ensuring the safety and effectiveness of our military.

Unsurprisingly, the NDAA passed the House of Representatives with most Democrats voting against it, proving once again that they prioritize ideological purity over the well-being of our armed forces. Only four Republicans had the courage to oppose the bill because they believed it wasn’t strong enough. Meanwhile, the Democrats were more concerned about advancing their woke ideology than supporting our troops.

While the bill will likely be stripped of the controversial amendments in the Senate and eventually signed into law by Biden, the fact that the fight over these amendments is happening at all is significant. It shows that there are Republicans, such as Speaker McCarthy and the Freedom Caucus, who are willing to stand up against the Democratic agenda and fight for what’s right.

The Freedom Caucus, led by Pennsylvania’s Scott Perry, has made it clear that they won’t back down or give up on defending our nation against the Democrats’ destructive policies. Speaker McCarthy has even named Marjorie Taylor Greene, a strong conservative voice, to the conference committee that will negotiate with the Senate. It’s heartening to see Republicans finally united in pushing back against the radical left.

In the end, while it’s disappointing that the NDAA won’t be as strong as it should be, we can take solace in the fact that conservatives are standing up for our military and our national security. It’s crucial that we continue to fight against the Democrats’ woke agenda and prioritize the safety and strength of our armed forces above all else. Our country’s future depends on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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