
Biden as Hippo, Sloth, Snail: Even Dems Mock Prez in Hilarious Survey!

A survey conducted by the New York Times asked readers what kind of animal they would like to see the president, Joe Biden. The responses were brutal. It seemed like people couldn't help but share their honest opinions about the aging president.

Some of the animals that people considered to be Biden's favorites include a sloth, a hippopotamus, a dinosaur, and even a sloth. Democrats, who are known for their disdain for animals that are slow, are comparing him to these creatures.

An independent from Illinois stated that Biden reminded him of a camel due to how he talks. He said that watching Biden on TV makes him feel like he's watching a moving camel. The presidential candidate also has a spirit animal inside him, which could be the reason for his distinct style of speaking.

A New Hampshire independent is also comparing Biden to a meerkat. According to him, the president's head always remains up during sunny weather, but he disappears faster than the animal when something goes wrong. This is a way of describing how Biden is able to handle pressure.

A Delaware Democrat compared Biden to a hippopotamus, stating that the animal is dangerous and violent. Another reader stated that Biden's old-fashioned methods of doing things may not always be the best approach. It's like the reader has a glimpse into the president's ill-advised policies.

Another reader compared Biden to a snail due to how he can't seem to focus on anything. He reportedly gets distracted by all the other things going on around him. People think that Biden has a memory span that's similar to that of goldfish, and they're comparing him to these aquatic friends.

You may believe that the survey was just a silly attempt to poke fun at Biden. The results of the survey have revealed the truth about the president, as he has been caught repeatedly forgetting where he is and often wandering aimlessly around. It's like he has lost his way and can't find it again even after being pointed in the right direction.

A graphic released by a liberal news outlet revealed that none of its readers believed Biden was a strong leader or shared their values. Furthermore, it has been reported that over 50% of voters disapprove of Biden's job performance as president, making it clear that the public doesn't like him.

It's clear that the American people don't like Biden. From his lack of leadership and forgetfulness to the comparisons he's made to slow-moving animals, it's clear that most voters don't approve of his performance. Hopefully, he'll take these criticisms seriously and try to prove that the American people are wrong.

Written by Staff Reports

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