
Biden Bombshell! Next Impeachment Witness Allegedly Tied to Hunter’s Shady Deals

Congress is now looking into Hunter Biden's old business partner, Tony Bobulinski, as part of their investigation into whether or not to impeach Biden. Chair of the House Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-KY), is trying to finalize a deal with Bobulinski's lawyers to get him to testify. He will be the first important witness in the case. Bobulinski is supposed to shed light on claims that the Biden family did dishonest business.

It is said that Bobulinski helped make a deal in 2017 between President Biden's brother Jim and his son Hunter and the Chinese energy company CEFC, which has ties to the Chinese Communist Party. Bobulinski says that federal prosecutors who are investigating Hunter Biden didn't answer his calls even though he offered to testify about what he knew about the Biden family's role in these deals.

President Biden has always said that he has nothing to do with his son's business ventures, but more and more proof points to the contrary. IRS leaks earlier this year showed that Hunter Biden asked his Chinese business partner at CEFC for money using his father's name. Hunter Biden said in a WhatsApp message that he was in the room with his father and that anyone who didn't do what his dad said would be punished.

Also, Raymond Zhao, an executive at CEFC who got Hunter Biden's message, is connected to Ye Jianming, a Chinese billionaire who works for a Chinese government intelligence service. Ye wanted CEFC China to get resources from other countries and support China's national policy, which shows that he wanted to increase the country's influence around the world.

These new details make it very likely that the Biden family has been involved in shady business deals. Bobulinski needs to testify in front of Congress because his first-hand information could make the Biden impeachment investigation more open and accountable. People in the United States deserve to know the truth about what their leaders are doing and why, and Congress needs to find any possible crime.

Written by Staff Reports

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