
Biden Boot Approval Skyrockets Amid Bribery Allegations: Shocking Numbers

The Hunter Biden laptop has caused quite a stir in recent months, and now the FBI has released a bombshell report that alleges Joe and Hunter Biden were paid a whopping $5 million each by Burisma Holdings. It’s said that they coerced the company into making the transaction in exchange for access and legal protection. This all happened during Joe Biden’s time as Vice President, when he was overseeing reforms in Ukraine. There’s even a ledger and audio recordings to back it up. Talk about a smoking gun!

But that’s not all that’s come out of Hunter’s laptop. There are also over 170 suspicious activity reports relating to the Biden family’s financial operations. It’s like they set up a bunch of shell companies just to funnel all this money. It’s enough to make your head spin!

Now, a poll conducted by Issues and Insights shows that the American people overwhelmingly think Biden should leave office if these allegations are true. A whopping 63% said he should either be impeached or resign immediately. Only 20% think he should stay in office and run again in 2024. It’s clear that voters have had enough of the Biden corruption.

But it’s not just Republicans who want to see Biden gone. Even within his own party, there is growing support for his resignation or impeachment. Democrats, by a plurality of 45%, believe it would be best for Biden to leave office if the charges prove true. It seems that no matter which way you look at it, Biden’s future is looking pretty bleak.

And let’s not forget about Biden’s dismal approval ratings and the inflation crisis. People are feeling the pinch when they go to the grocery store, and it’s all thanks to Bidenomics. With almost three-fourths of the country thinking we’re on the wrong track, it’s unlikely that Biden will be able to turn things around. Add in his mental and physical health issues, and it’s clear that he’s in a perilous position for re-election.

So, while Democrats may be hoping for a second term for Biden, it’s starting to look like Trump might have a shot. With his legal issues and the emerging bribery scandal surrounding Biden, it could be the perfect storm for a Trump comeback. Buckle up, folks, it’s going to be an interesting ride!

Written by Staff Reports

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