
Biden Calls Trump Post-Assassination Attempt, Stokes More Division

The White House has made it clear: calling Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and their fellow Democrats out for stoking political violence is, according to Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, an extremely dangerous proposition. Journalist Peter Doocy dared to ask her how many more assassination attempts on former President Donald Trump it would take for the Democrats to dial down the incendiary rhetoric that paints Trump as a “threat to democracy.” Jean-Pierre, probably auditioning for a role in a sitcom with that absurd response, indicated that such inquiries only added to the political toxicity.

In a supposed show of bipartisanship, Biden recently called Trump—a man he continues to label as “dangerous”—to express relief after Trump narrowly escaped an assassination attempt at his own golf club. Apparently, this was meant to demonstrate the compassion of a leader. But, in classic Biden fashion, his messaging flop puts a twist on the whole situation. Instead of uniting the country, he’s only proving that the Democrats’ rhetoric comes with a kill shot—albeit ironically, as it seems to target their own political viability instead.

Jean-Pierre piled on the bafflement by claiming that disagreements over policies are fine, but once the rhetoric steps over a certain line, it becomes dangerous. One might wonder whose line of acceptable discourse is being measured. The Democrats certainly seem to think it’s acceptable to label half the country as extremists while simultaneously crying victim when addressment comes their way. A classic two-step if there ever was one.

Meanwhile, Sen. J.D. Vance has pointed out the glaring hypocrisy of the situation; no one in Trump’s camp has made any credible threats toward Harris. Jean-Pierre’s deflection when faced with this undeniable truth exemplifies the left’s tendency to hold the high ground as they dig more holes for themselves. It’s almost amusing to witness how quickly the script flips from political disagreement to claims of danger just because Trump supporters are exercising their First Amendment rights. The Democrats’ fragility is on full display.

As Trump himself noted, the political battle has devolved into a theatre of absurdity, one where attacks are justified over words spoken on social media. Demanding unity and then resorting to partisan slurs only unveils the ineptitude of those still clutching onto relevance in modern political discourse. Instead of actual civil dialogue, what comes across is a call for censorship wrapped in the guise of humanitarian concern—a real winner for the left in their quest to rally a constantly shrinking base. Ultimately, the message is loud and clear: for Biden and Harris, political theater is always more important than personal safety.

Written by Staff Reports

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