
Biden Delivers Divisive Speech at Morehouse Graduation After Graduates Turn Their Backs

President Joe Biden delivered a boisterous speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia. Despite the college president warning of immediate action against any disruptions, some graduates turned their backs on Biden. Throughout the address, the president made statements that sounded more like those from a campaign rally than a commencement speech. He even spread misinformation about voting laws in Georgia, which has been debunked. Biden also used divisive language, which is not appropriate for a celebratory event like a commencement.

While Biden did share some inspirational words at one point, his speech quickly turned to debunked narratives and divisive remarks. He falsely claimed that voters in Georgia are not allowed to have water while waiting in line to vote, which has been proven untrue. The law actually allows voters to have food and water, and it even addresses the long lines that occur in certain precincts.

Additionally, Biden brought up January 6, illegal immigration, a supposed “national effort to ban books,” and made divisive remarks about race and diversity. His divisive language and spreading of false information are not fitting for a graduation ceremony. This is not the first time Biden has made such controversial remarks, and it is troubling that he continues to use divisive language at public events.

Overall, Biden’s speech at Morehouse College was contentious and divisive, and his statements about voting laws in Georgia were inaccurate. It is important for public figures to use their platform responsibly and to convey accurate information, especially during celebratory events like college commencements.

Written by Staff Reports

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