
Biden Dodges Devon Archer Testimony Question, Claims ‘Untruth’

President Joe Biden became defensive when questioned about recent congressional testimony from Devon Archer, a former business associate of his son Hunter Biden. Archer testified that Hunter had used his father’s position as vice president to sell potential business partners on access to Joe Biden. He also claimed that the president often participated in business calls with Hunter, contradicting Biden’s previous statements that he was never involved in his son’s business dealings.

During his current tour of Western states, where he is promoting his economic policies, President Biden was asked about Archer’s testimony by Fox News’ Peter Doocy. Biden responded by dismissing the question as “lousy” and denying any involvement in his son’s business. This is not the first time the president has avoided addressing questions about Hunter’s business ventures. The White House has consistently directed inquiries about Hunter Biden to the Justice Department and stated that Biden stands by his previous statements on the matter.

The president’s defensive response raises doubts about his transparency and honesty regarding his son’s business activities. It is concerning that Hunter seemingly used his father’s position for personal gain and that President Biden may have been aware of it despite his denials. This incident further highlights the need for a thorough investigation into the Biden family’s business dealings to ensure the integrity of the presidency. The American people deserve transparency and honesty from their leaders, and it is disappointing that Biden continues to evade accountability.

Written by Staff Reports

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