
Biden Eats Crow: GOP Highlights Hypocrisy Over Sudden Border Wall Need!

Republican officials are criticizing the Biden administration for its sudden announcement that it intends to expand the border wall with Mexico. These GOP members see this as a politically convenient move and are calling out the hypocrisy of the administration, considering that President Biden and other Democrats heavily criticized the border wall when it was a policy of former President Trump. They claim that President Biden doesn’t genuinely care about the border and is only acting now because the consequences of his policies are becoming apparent. Senator Ted Cruz even suggests that Biden wants the country to be overrun by illegal aliens because he believes they will vote Democrat.

Other Republican officials, such as Senator Lindsey Graham and Representative Jim Banks, express their skepticism and frustration, noting that the Biden administration has ignored the crisis at the southern border for years. They find it ironic that after millions of illegal immigrants have entered the country, the Biden administration suddenly recognizes the need to finish the wall. These officials believe that the damage caused by the administration’s incompetence will take years to rectify.

In addition to criticizing the administration, Republican lawmakers are also calling for other measures to address the border crisis, such as reinstating the Remain in Mexico policy, ending catch-and-release, and stopping parole abuse. They argue that these policies should have been implemented much earlier to prevent the current crisis. Overall, the Republican response to the Biden administration’s announcement is characterized by frustration and accusations of hypocrisy.

Written by Staff Reports

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