
Biden Envoy’s Iran Ties Spark Outrage

In a shocking revelation, it has been reported that Robert Malley, a former staff member of a non-governmental organization (NGO) in the Biden administration, had been involved in an undisclosed agreement with an Iranian government-controlled think tank. This revelation raises serious concerns about the impartiality of the NGO and its former CEO, Malley.

Malley, who currently serves as the Biden administration’s special envoy to Iran, had previously been the CEO of the International Crisis Group (ICG), a global NGO dedicated to preventing wars and conflicts. It has now come to light that the ICG had signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Tehran-based Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS) in 2016, without ever disclosing this partnership to Congress.


The IPIS, being an Iranian Foreign Ministry think tank, had viewed the ICG as a valuable tool to boost Iran’s image and promote its policies on the international stage. However, the association between the ICG and the Iranian regime is deeply concerning. Iran, as we all know, is the world’s largest state sponsor of terrorism and routinely denies the Holocaust. This raises questions about the objectivity and independence of the ICG’s opinions.

Experts have warned that signing such an MOU with a foreign government like Iran can compromise an organization’s ability to provide unbiased and objective analysis. The potential for Iranian exploitation and the introduction of disinformation into decision-making and advisory channels in the United States and Europe is a grave concern. This revelation highlights the need for transparency and caution when establishing associations with regimes that do not uphold democratic values.

Malley’s affiliations with Iran do not end with the ICG’s partnership with the IPIS. It was previously reported that several of Malley’s close allies and aides were members of the Iranian Experts Initiative (IEI), an Iranian global influence operation aimed at recruiting academics and researchers to help promote Iran. This raises further questions regarding Malley’s judgment and his ability to serve in a position of authority.

Moreover, Malley’s security clearance was put on hold in 2023 due to security concerns, prompting an FBI investigation into his alleged mishandling of classified information. These alarming revelations about the former CEO of the ICG and the current Biden administration envoy to Iran cast a shadow over his credibility and reliability.

It is disconcerting to see that Malley, despite these troubling associations and concerns, has recently been hired by Yale University to teach a course on relations between Israel and the Palestinian population. This raises questions about the university’s judgement and the legitimacy of the academic environment that allows an individual with dubious ties to serve as an educator.

The lack of response from Malley and the ICG regarding these revelations only further deepens the suspicions surrounding their actions. Transparency and accountability should be paramount when it comes to associations between organizations and foreign entities, especially those with a history of promoting terrorism and denying historical atrocities.

This situation serves as a reminder that we must scrutinize the connections and choices of our government officials and hold them accountable for their decisions. The American people deserve leaders who prioritize the national interest and uphold the values and principles that our nation was founded upon.

Written by Staff Reports

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