
Biden Family’s Complex Web of LLCs Unraveled by Accounting Expert!

In a highly informative and eye-opening segment on Fox News, forensic accounting expert Bruce Dubinksy pulled back the curtain on the complex network of LLCs associated with the Biden family, revealing a potential multi-million-dollar bribery scheme. The segment kicked off by exposing over 20 firms connected to the Bidens, setting the stage for a startling revelation.

One of the most significant firms to come under scrutiny was Rosemont Seneca Partners, along with its close cousin, Rosemont Seneca Bohai. Dubinksy shed light on a particularly intriguing transaction involving these firms. It was revealed that a whopping $3.5 million had originated from Russian oligarch Yelena Baturina and had made its way predominantly to Devon Archer and a company linked to Hunter Biden. Dubinksy emphasized the precision and pattern of these transactions, describing them as the telltale signs of a possible problem.

The accounting expert explained that individuals often establish shell companies to obscure the source and purpose of funds. By tracing these companies and following the money trail, investigators can potentially uncover more information. Dubinksy also drew attention to a central company known as Seneca Thornton Partners, referring to it as a “top-tier” entity that could have a controlling role in these transactions. Unraveling the secrets of these pivotal companies may lead to further revelations about the intricate web of financial dealings.

Additionally, Dubinksy highlighted a noteworthy fact: some of these firms claimed to provide “consulting” services as their primary offering. This has prompted Republicans to suspect that the true value of these firms lies not in traditional goods or services but in granting access to then-Vice President Joe Biden. As Devon Archer testified before the House Oversight Committee, he revealed that “Burisma would have faced dire consequences if they hadn’t cashed in on the Biden brand. People feared crossing Burisma because of the Biden family’s influence.”

The segment concluded with a resounding assertion that these firms were not genuinely engaged in legitimate business activities. Rather, it was suggested that Joe Biden’s influence was monetized, with something valuable being exchanged for the money flowing through these entities. Highlighting bank records, Republicans pointed out a distinct pattern: a payment to one firm, followed by a wire transfer to another, and ultimately a payment directed toward Hunter Biden. These revelations raise serious questions about the Bidens’ ethics and the potential misuse of their political influence for personal gain.

Adding fuel to the fire, it was recently reported that back in May 2014, Eric Schwerin from Rosemont Seneca Partners contacted Devon Archer and Hunter Biden regarding a problematic photo of Devon with the Vice President that was posted on Burisma’s website. Demetra, the Vice President’s counsel, expressed discomfort with the image, as it seemed to imply an endorsement. Schwerin was evidently concerned about their scheme becoming too conspicuous, further hinting at a concerted effort to avoid scrutiny.

The continuous flow of damning information has placed the business activities of the Biden family under intense scrutiny. The House Oversight Committee is determined to investigate whether the Bidens abused their influence to benefit Hunter’s business dealings. While the White House has vehemently denied these allegations, the Republican Party’s inquiries are gaining momentum, especially in light of Archer’s revealing statements. It is crucial to separate fact from fiction and demand accountability when it comes to the potential misuse of power for personal gain.

Written by Staff Reports

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