
Biden Gets Dazed: Embarrasses USA with Royal Jordanian Flop

In a recent incident that has further fueled the ongoing controversy surrounding President Joe Biden's competence, he was captured on camera causing some confusion during a speech by King Abdullah II of Jordan at the White House. According to The New York Post, while Abdullah was delivering his remarks, Biden was observed aimlessly wandering in the background. In a somewhat dazed state, Biden muttered, "Your majesty, over to you," and proceeded to search the floor for imaginary marks indicating his designated spot.

Witnesses watched in disbelief as Biden crossed behind the king, still scanning the floor for guidance, before finally returning to his original position on the king's left side. In an attempt to make light of the situation, Biden jokingly remarked, "I switched sides on you."

Critics were quick to question Biden's mental acuity and his ability to effectively carry out his presidential duties. Commentator Melik Abdul sarcastically commented, "Do not judge his mental acuity. Judge him by his ability to accomplish tasks, such as standing where the tape is and doing so on the appropriate side of your invited guest."

This incident adds to a growing list of moments where Biden has exhibited memory lapses or confusion. Just last week, he mistakenly referred to French President Emmanuel Macron as the late François Mitterrand and mentioned former German leader Angela Merkel as the late Helmut Kohl. These missteps have only intensified scrutiny over Biden's competence.

The recent report from special counsel Robert Hur has further highlighted concerns about Biden's memory capabilities. The report reveals that Biden often presents himself as an elderly man with a poor memory. It disclosed that Biden struggled to recall even basic details about his time as vice president, such as when his term began and ended. Additionally, the report emphasized Biden's failure to remember significant personal events, including the death of his son Beau.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis interpreted this report as evidence that Biden may be experiencing cognitive decline.

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