
Biden-Harris 2024 Already Facing Attack Ads From Progressive Leftists

A group opposed to the reelection of President Joe Biden has launched its first TV advertisement. It's almost a year before the primary election in New Hampshire.

The ad, which is from RootsAction, features New Hampshire voters talking about why they don't think Biden should be re-elected in 2024.

In 2016, and 2020, RootsAction supported Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries.

Other groups of voters, such as far-left Democrats, also don't want Biden to serve a second term.

A survey conducted by CNBC and All-America Economic earlier this week revealed that over half of Democrats, as well as 66 percent of independents, don't want Biden to run for a second term. Also, over 70% of Americans don't want to see him re-elected. Only 19 percent of voters support his re-election campaign.

Voters of the Democratic Party have been making it clear that Joe Biden is a poor choice for president in 2024. After the 2020 presidential election, many of the party's voters were eager to see if Biden would run for another term. However, since then, his actions have made these people urge to not run for office again.

The group that launched the ad is calling out for other candidates to run for president in 2024. They believe that Biden is not serving the country well and should not be re-elected. If Democrats don't seriously consider other options in 2024, they might face a backlash from voters who will support the Republicans.

The preceding is a summary of an article that originally appeared on Next News Network.

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