
Biden Ridiculed For Blithe Ignorance On Russian Plane Disaster!

Joe Biden’s history of dishonesty is well-known, with a laundry list of lies ranging from his exaggerated stories about “Corn Pop” to misleading statements about his son Beau’s death and his denial of involvement in his son Hunter’s shady business dealings. However, sometimes Biden’s lies are so outlandish that they border on hilarity. On Wednesday, the 80-year-old president took the cake with his latest unbelievable excuse.

When news broke about the fatal plane crash outside Moscow, where Yevgeny Prigozhin – a warlord who previously challenged Vladimir Putin’s regime – was among the casualties, it became a major topic of conversation. Despite this, Biden claimed to be completely unaware of the incident because he was “working out” for an hour and a half. It’s hard to keep a straight face when hearing such an excuse.

Critics wasted no time mocking Biden’s flimsy explanation. One Twitter user speculated that his idea of “working out” involves repeatedly lifting ice cream to his mouth. In reality, it seems that the so-called “Leader of the Free World” was more likely lifting iced tea. The worst part is that Biden seems to believe that the American public will buy into his absurdity, or he is simply delusional enough to think his excuses are plausible.

In a press conference, when asked about the plane crash, Biden responded, “I don’t know enough to know the answer. I’ve been working out for the last hour and a half.” This response raises eyebrows given Biden’s physical condition and his long history of fibbing. It’s hard to believe that a man in his physical state could genuinely engage in a 90-minute workout. The video of Biden’s leisurely stroll only reinforces the skepticism surrounding his claims. It’s clear that his excuses are being met with incredulity.

Many online commenters suggested that Biden was more likely napping than working out. Given his lack of energy and vigor, it’s not a far-fetched assumption. Watching Biden fumble with his excuse brought to mind the “Saturday Night Live” skit featuring Jon Lovitz as Tommy Flanagan. Biden’s attempt to convince the public falls flat and invites comparisons to Lovitz’s famous character known for his outrageous lies.

In conclusion, Biden’s latest excuse for his lack of awareness on a major news story is both laughable and concerning. It’s no wonder critics are quick to mock him and question his ability to lead. As a constitutional conservative, it’s frustrating to witness such dishonesty and hypocrisy from our nation’s leaders. However, it’s also a reminder that we need to continue holding them accountable for their actions.

Written by Staff Reports

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