
Biden Unveils Frequent Flyer Program for Illegals, No ID Required!

The Biden administration has unveiled a new program that critics argue will only serve to encourage and boost illegal immigration. According to recently obtained records, this program allows immigrants to fly directly from their home country to any city in the United States of their choosing. The program is accessible through the administration’s app, and immigrants can use it to select their desired destination and then hop on “ghost flights” to reach their chosen city.

The Center for Immigration Studies has reported that since January, over 210,000 applicants have been processed through this program. To put that into perspective, that’s roughly the population size of Rochester, New York. The report also explains how intending illegal border-crossers are being encouraged to make appointments with U.S. officials at land ports of entry instead of crossing the border illegally. Once these appointments are made, the immigrants are “paroled” and allowed to travel to the city of their choice within the country.

It is concerning that the Biden administration seems eager to hide the destination cities of these immigrants, as journalists are not able to track their movements if they arrive directly by plane. The report from the Center for Immigration Studies highlights this issue, stating that U.S. Customs officers are paroling these immigrants into the country without any public knowledge of their numbers or whereabouts. The report also reveals that some cities are receiving a significant influx of illegal immigrants through this program, with one redacted airport being the preferred destination for thousands of Haitians, Venezuelans, and Cubans.

Furthermore, it is worth noting that the Biden administration has been relatively silent about this program, likely due to the backlash they faced over the late-night “ghost flights” that transported migrant children into various airports. This new program allows immigrants to go uncounted in monthly Border Patrol tallies and has received very little media attention or scrutiny.

In addition to the controversy surrounding this new program, Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently accused the Biden administration of cutting razor wire that the state had previously installed in the border area of Eagle Pass. Governor Abbott promptly deployed more Texas National Guard to repel illegal crossings and reinstall the razor wire. This incident further highlights the ongoing concerns and challenges that arise from the administration’s immigration policies.

While some Democrats are beginning to push back against the flow of migrants into American cities, it remains to be seen how the Biden administration will address these concerns. The issue of illegal immigration continues to be a contentious and divisive topic in American politics, and it is clear that the current administration’s approach is generating criticism from both sides of the aisle.

Written by Staff Reports

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