
Bidenomics Busted: Inflation Soars, Workers Pay Price for President’s Failings

The attempt by the liberal media to portray Biden's economic plan as a success is overshadowed by the stark reality of surging federal spending and unprecedented inflation. Despite claims from Biden's economic advisor, Jared Bernstein, that "Bidenomics" is revitalizing the U.S. economy, the actual numbers reveal a different narrative.

While Bernstein strives to present an optimistic view of increasing wages, the truth is that real wages have seen a 2.5 percent decline since Biden assumed office. It's evident that the President's policies are not prioritizing the well-being of hard-working middle-class Americans, as they grapple with the consequences of job losses, facilities allocated to illegal migrants, and escalating costs of essentials like food, rent, and electricity.

Contrary to Bernstein's assertion that Biden is "focused on lowering costs," the statistics present a starkly different picture. Overall prices have skyrocketed by 17.3 percent, with food prices witnessing a 20.2 percent increase, rent costs climbing by 19 percent, and electricity expenses soaring by an alarming 25 percent since Biden's inauguration. These alarming figures contradict Bernstein's efforts to downplay the tangible impact of inflation on American families.

Bernstein's claim that families are experiencing "easing inflation, rising real pay" is met with skepticism. Under Biden's leadership, the inflation rate has more than doubled compared to pre-office levels, significantly complicating the lives of hard-working Americans. Despite the administration's assurances, the job growth in the economy has been lackluster, with only slightly over 2.4 million jobs added in 2023— the lowest figure since the conclusion of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Biden administration's economic policies are falling short of delivering the promised prosperity and stability for the American people.

Written by Staff Reports

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