
Biden’s 81M Votes Puzzle Americans, Mail-In Fraud Exposed!

The 2020 election has been a wild rollercoaster ride for half the country – and not the fun kind with loops and twists, but the kind that makes you want to barf. Joe Biden may be sitting in the big boy chair now, but the fact that he supposedly got 81 million votes has more folks scratching their heads than trying to solve a really tough math problem. And have you seen the guy? He’s showing more signs of wear and tear than a beat-up old pickup truck in a country song.

One of the biggest sticking points for the skeptical half of the country is the whole mail-in voting thing. According to Rasmussen and the Heartland Institute, a whopping 20 percent of mail-in voters ‘fessed up and admitted they cheated in the last presidential election. That’s like a classroom where one out of every five kids raised their hand and said, “Yeah, I totally peeked at the answers during the test.” It’s not a good look, folks. It’s almost as if they’ve got a guilty conscience or something.

The survey also revealed that nearly a quarter of mail-in voters let someone else fill out their ballot, and 17 percent voted in a state where they didn’t even live anymore. And don’t even get started on the forging of signatures – that’s just plain old-fashioned naughty behavior. These sneaky tactics are as illegal as parking in a no-parking zone, and they make a mess of the whole voting process.

To add insult to injury, the poll showed that more Biden voters than Trump voters used mail-in ballots. It’s no secret that mail-in voting tends to favor the Democratic Party, and with all this shady business going on, it’s no wonder there are questions about the last election’s integrity. It’s like trying to play a fair game of freeze tag, but some kids keep running when they’re already tagged.

Now, let’s not kid ourselves – this whole voter fraud and election shadiness thing is no conspiracy theory. The people who did the dirty deeds are singing like canaries. But of course, the Democrats have their heads in the sand, convinced that everything is hunky-dory. Maybe they should open their eyes and take a good, hard look at the facts. It’s like trying to convince a cat that it’s time for a bath – they just won’t believe it no matter what.

Written by Staff Reports

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